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Company: Personal Project

Genre: Platformer / Couch PvP

Team Size: 3

Role: Designer / Artist / Coder / Writer

Platform: PC


Air Current was a school capstone project I spent 2.5 years of freetime developing.

I learned a great deal from the project, and brought up my level of competence to what I possess today.

Eventually the project was scrapped due to design issues that would hinder the project...

  • The format of a couch PvP game didn't suite the project well, this was turning into something more of an adventure game.

  • The gliding and sword fighting did not play nice together. Flying is a mechanic the moves players across large distances, while sword fighting forces players to be on the ground in a smaller area.

  • A focus on polishing artwork early cemented many poor design choices. This project taught me to iterate faster with rough art instead of worrying about aesthetics.

Things that went well...

  • The gliding felt AMAZING!!! It became a topic other developers continuously message me about on how it was coded.

  • The movement in general felt amazing! Smooth, flexible player movement has become a signature trait of my work.

  • I began to develop a signature visual style that translated well into 3D.

  • Character art looked great; A big achievement since I started off unpracticed in human anatomy.

  • The scope of the project lended itself to forcing me to learn many new skills.

Every success and failure of the project armed me with priceless experience that would be applied later to Castle on the Coast.​



Micah Hepler

Sound Design

Chris Monty

Erik Zamora



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